United Against Puppy Mills

Ongoing outbreak of drug-resistant Infection associated with US pet store puppies

Source: JAMA Network Key Points Question  Are pet store puppies a source of extensively drug-resistant Campylobacter jejuni infection in the US? Findings  This survey study identified 168 cases from public health reports of Campylobacter infections with an epidemiologic or molecular link to pet store puppies from 2011 to 2020; 97% of patients reported contact with a dog, of whom 88% reported […]

Ronks family has long history of animal abuse charges, from poor kennel conditions to keeping sick dogs

Source: Lancaster Online | TY LOHR | Digital Staff Daniel Esh isn’t a lawyer, but the 61-year-old has been in courtrooms long enough to understand the system. The Ronks dairy farmer has been finding loopholes in Pennsylvania’s dog laws for at least 25 years, including changing the name of kennels after animal abuse violations and having a lawyer plead with a judge for a religious exemption for the number of dogs he could legally own […]

PA Senate Bill 746 was signed into law by Governor Shapiro on October 23rd becoming Act 18 of 2023 - Dog Law Modernization. Click here to learn more